Murriel Thompson Receives the 2010 Cleo Curtis Award

Murriel Receives Cleo Curtis Award

The 2010 recipient of the prestigious Cleo Curtis Award was Murriel Thompson.

From 1977 to 1985, Murriel received intensive instruction in ceramics. Murriel has attended every ceramic class within a 100 mile radius from her home working with various clay bodies and techniques. She is certified in 5 product lines. Some of her instructors were Marc Bellaire, Mary Gilbertson, Helen Alterairie, Sandy Scordes, Stan Felton, Pat Karwoski, and Frank Moreli.

For over 30 years, Murriel has attended every ceramic show possible as an entrant, booth supporter, apprentice judge, and a master judge. Some of the top awards she has received are the NCMA award twice, the Ceramic World Award, Masters Award several times, the Jack Kemper Award, and in British Columbia, the Perfection Award.

Murriel has been a Duncan Ambassador since 1985, and was instrumental in creating several Duncan University courses. She has taught extensively in Canada and in the United States, twice at the IADCCT International Convention, once in 2003 and again in 2009.

She is warm, giving, professional and tries to impart every piece of information she knows while she teaches. She is a very encouraging teacher who is a true inspiration to every ceramic enthusiast with whom she comes in contact.

Those who know her have nothing but glowing words to describe Murriel and her teaching. She is truly deserving of the 2010 Cleo Curtis Award.

Text provided by Cathy Housley