Ruthann Conn Receives the 2019 Cleo Curtis Award

Ruthann Conn Receives the 2019 Cleo Curtis Award

Tonight’s recipient of the Cleo Curtis Award is an outstanding spokesperson for the world of ceramics. She has been doing ceramics since a very young age and was able to learn at her mother’s knee in the family ceramic studio. Duncan made an exception to the minimum age requirement allowing her to become a Certified Duncan Teacher when she was just 16 years old. She joined IADCCT in 1983 and has been a member in good standing for 36 years.

She teaches weekly at the family studio, where her father keeps ceramics a popular hobby. She accepts no payment for teaching there. Volunteering to teach complete classes of school children regularly, she is a walking advertisement for the joy of ceramics. This lady improves her abilities by taking classes whenever and wherever she is able. Her talent is outstanding, and she shares that talent effortlessly and often, including teaching during our annual convention.

She is active with Chapters that aren’t even based in her home state. She’s gone out of her way to help transport supplies and people to the Convention.

Our award winner has worn many hats in support of IADCCT. She has served as Area Rep, Raffle Committee Co-chair and By-Laws Committee Chairperson. On the Board of Directors, she served as Parliamentarian for the 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 terms. If you haven’t guessed who it is by now, this should give it away... She has served for the past two terms as Vice President of IADCCT.

Written by Judy LeBlanc