Upcoming Events TeaPot grouping  
Upcoming Events
Duncan University Certified Teacher - IADCCT
Duncan University Certified Teacher - IADCCT
Regional Education Programs
Educational Showcase Programs


Scroll down to see pictures of the seminars we are offering including a brief description and supply list.


** Please note that lunch will be provided with each class, if two classes are taken on the same day then the price is reduced by cost of that days lunch-see registration form.

David Hoff AM
David Hoff PM
Sylvia Clayton
Nancy Kincaid
Sharon Kinzie




Muriel pig
Pamela Alexander
Trish Gill
Duncan Enterprises


We have some wonderful educational seminars planned for you at the 2004 convention.

We will once again have two jammed packed days of ceramic education on our "regular" agenda. Then we have scheduled added education on Saturday and Sunday before the convention and we will also have an extra day on Wednesday. For details on each seminar project, click on the individual pictures above.

For those of you who attended last year's convention, you will remember the great projects we made at the Ambassador Make 'N Take event. This will take place on Sunday evening from 6:30 PM until 10:30 PM. The projects will be fun and only have an added cost of $7.00 for each. You may purchase the tickets for this session near the registration area.

Again, we will have our "Shareware". For Shareware bring a completed piece with instructions to share with all who attends convention. The pieces and technique sheets are displayed on tables and members are welcome to take these techniques and teach them to their students. The shareware table started small but has really grown! Thanks to all who have made it such a great success!! In the dictionary, ware is described as pottery or ceramics or articles of commerce, goods. The synonyms of share are to participate and partake. These verbs refer to forms of joint activity, such as having, using, or experiencing something with others. The specific purpose of IADCCT is to share and benefit from the experiences of others. Shareware and IADCCT go hand in hand! If you are a member and haven't already done a shareware piece or two for our table, this is a reminder to all to participate. Bring your camera for pictures of your favorite pieces. Match them to the technique sheets-it will make doing your own piece a lot easier.