Porcelain Hummingbird
By: Margie and Greg Bordner
Southern Stars Laughlin Retreat 2002

Porcelain Hummingbird (Mikes Molds 745)
X-acto Knife
Sgraffito Tool
Scrubber # WSCRUB or CMFYSCRB- Fine Grit
Soft Cloth
Sm. Dish Pan for Wet Cleaning

Colors: Duncan Concept New Flannels
CN 611 Chamomile
CN 631 French Lavender
CN 623 Dusty Rose
CN 633 Wild Iris
CN 653 Green Tea

Other Colors:
CN 232 Bright Briarwood
CN 661 Vanilla Beans
CN 613 Dandelion
CN 651 Mint Chips
CN 643 Indigo Blues
CN 663 Pepper Grey

CN 232 Bright Briarwood
Porcelin Hummingbird

Directions: Soft fire porcelain green ware to cone 018. Submerse soft fire figurine in water for a few minutes. Using your X-acto knife carefully remove seams from figurine, then using the #wscrub or cmfyscrb lightly sand seam areas and smooth with a sponge.

Painting Directions: All coats will be 3 coat coverage unless otherwise stated.
CN 232 Bright Briarwood paint the branch of the figurine.
CN 661 Vanilla Bean paint the base coat of the hummingbird.
CN 643 Indigo Blues Paint the beak of the bird and a highlight coat on the top of the birds head and around the eye.
CN 623 Dusty Rose is used to highlight the chest of the bird.
CN 663 Pepper Grey is used for the rocks
CN 651 Mint Chips is used as the grass color.
CN 631 French Lavender is used for the small flower
CN 633 Wild Iris is used for the large flower
CN 631 & 633 are mixed 1to 1 for the flower bud
CN 613 Dandelion is used for the flower centers and the bee body
CN 611 Chamomile should be painted on the birds wings and nose
CN 653 Green Tea is used for all the leaves.
CN 253 Dark black is used for the eyes of the bird and the detail on the Bee.

Clean the base of figuring and fire to cone 6.