By: Margie and Greg Bordner Southern Stars Laughlin Retreat 2002 |
Supplies: Porcelain Hummingbird (Mikes Molds 745) X-acto Knife Sgraffito Tool Scrubber # WSCRUB or CMFYSCRB- Fine Grit Soft Cloth Sm. Dish Pan for Wet Cleaning Colors: Duncan Concept New Flannels
Directions: Soft fire porcelain green ware to cone 018. Submerse soft fire figurine in water for a few minutes. Using your X-acto knife carefully remove seams from figurine, then using the #wscrub or cmfyscrb lightly sand seam areas and smooth with a sponge. Painting Directions:
All coats will be 3 coat coverage unless otherwise stated. Clean the base of
figuring and fire to cone 6.